
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Steel Armor - Failed Sallet Test

I tried to make a German Sallet helmet, but the outcome didn't show as expected. I have to start again with a new helmet.

Trate de hacer un yelmo Celada alemán, pero el resultado no fue lo que se esperaba. Tengo que volver a empezar de nuevo con otro yelmo.

What i expected   --------- ----------- ---------- ------------  What i got

Steel helmet 1

With trial and error, i succeed in making my first steel Close medieval helmet.i It took me one week to finish it. My arms were in pain, because of too much hammering. A blacksmith near my house helped me to blend the pieces.
More photos coming soon

Con prueba y error, logre hacer mi primer yelmo medieval cerrado, de acero calibre 24. Me tomo una semana para terminarlo. Mis brazos estan adolorido, a causa de mucho martilleo. Un herrero cerca d emi casa me ayudo a soldar las piezas.
Mas fotos despues.

First try

Gorget now included

Closed Helmet


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Steel Armor (my first test)

I'm still a novice on blacksmith stuff, since i still don't have enough space and money to buy the entire equipment like a furnace. This day i bought 24 Cal steel plate, 4x10 feet long, enough to make myself a full plate armor. I was thinking on using 12 cal steel plate, but its too strong, too expensive, i still lack of the appropriate equipment.

With a metal scissors, i cut a small part of the corner of the steel plate as a test, just to know if this is going to work on making something rounded, like a helmet. I felt great when i tried it and worked.

Indeed, i was working on a tree trunk